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Libros International


<p>The directors of Exclusive Time Online recently bought a controlling stake in pioneering publishing company Libros International. <br><br>Libros International was established in 2006 by two authors frustrated by the lack of publishing opportunities available to new authors. Both were rejected by agents stating "we don't deal with unpublished authors" and inevitably by publishing houses claiming "we only deal with agents." A classic catch 22 to use Joseph Heller's immortal title.<br><br>Having gone through such negative channels, they set up their own company in order to give new authors that seemingly elusive opportunity of 'being published.'<br><br>They have recently released Dwain Chambers' autobiogrpahy and are currently promoting a new book 'Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell' by first time author Horace Greasley which promises to be a big hit and is currently garnering interest from some big Hollywood production studios for a film adaptation.</p>